Our Board of Regents will be reviewing the 2014 Nominee Packets. Please return soon to see the 2014 results for the American Institute Of Plastic Surgeons’ Top 10.
To nominate a Plastic Surgeon, please go to our Nomination’s page.
-Joseph J. Dipietro III
Dipietro, PLLC
8200 Greensboro Dr
Mclean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-647-7404 www.dipietropllc.com
-Steven L. Raynor
Raynor Law Office,PC
211 5th St NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: 434-220-6066 www.raynorlawoffice.com
-Christopher T. Mays
Yetter & Mays, PLC
PO Box 151974
Alexandria,VA 22315
Phone: 703-665-0836 www.yettermays.com